So.. Regardless of the title of this blog, it will be more about updates and less about New Year's Resolutions. :) But it does have a little of both, so its not completely deceptive.
Well, we survived 2011. And it was a pretty good year! December 26 marked 3 years of being married for us. Which is awesome! (And crazy, because I can't believe its already been 3 years!) Life has been good to us and we are very happy.
We had a couple of firsts this season, though. One of our firsts was our first Christmas tree!

Another first was we went to our first Jazz game! For our anniversary, I gave Scott tickets to the game against the 76-ers. (How do you even write their name out???) We had pretty good seats. It was really fun!

Our third first is that we have decided that we are going to Hawaii! Woohoo! haha. We already bought our plane tickets and reserved our hotel room, so its pretty official. We will be going to Maui from May 15-May 20. And we are beyond excited. Its kind of our last chance to take a trip with just the two of us, seeing as this is Scott's last free summer for the next, oh, five or six years. So if any of you guys have ever been to Maui and have any suggestions on places to go, things to do, etc. we would love to hear it! Most of the stuff we want to do is hiking and stuff in the Haleakala Nation Park, and snorkeling, and lounging on the beach. So it should be a good time.

So besides that stuff, other updates are pretty unexciting. School is... going. As usual. And so is work. We are both pretty busy this semester. Scott is in his 2nd semester of Pharmacy school, and working part-time as an intern at the U of U Hospital. So that, plus studying, keeps him pretty busy. I am taking 12 credits, working part-time, and in the middle of doing a practicum for Wilson (a company that does tutoring for dyslexia), which has me going to Heber once a week at least. So I am also busy! But its a good busy for both of us. Nothing too unmanageable. :) So... as usual, life is pretty gooood.
Now, for the New Year's resolution.... I have decided I am running a half-marathon! I looked at different ones to run, and I decided I am going to run the Provo half-marathon on May 5th. That way, I am done training before we go to Hawaii, because I didn't want to try and figure out training runs while we were there. It should be a good time! I am a little nervous, but most training plans I have looked at say that you need to be running in between 10-15 miles a week to start training, and I am already running 15-20 miles a week regularly. So, hopefully when I start a training program mid-February, it won't be too bad. So... you know, if anyone else wants to run it with me... you totally should. :)
Okay, so thats about it. Exciting stuff! :) Happy 2012!
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