This semester is definitely different than any other semester either Scott or I have done before! For Scott, he has started Pharmacy School. It has been insanely busy for him. Kind of stressful. Lots of studying, lots of homework, lots of classes. But, I guess that's expected for Pharmacy School. :) I have been helping him study lists and lists of drugs that he has to memorize with all their dosages and interactions and side effects. Its been interesting. ha. Some of those drugs have names I don't even know how to begin to pronounce! Its good, though. He is doing well. :)
Last Friday was his birthday, and his White Coat Ceremony.
It was exciting! :) And the start of a 4-year adventure!
School for me is exciting, too. I am down to the wire. I only have 1 year til I graduate, and I only have my interesting classes that pertain to my major left, so I really enjoy going to class. It doesn't feel pointless. :) I really only have 2 semesters worth of classes left, but one of them is only offered in the fall and I couldn't take it this semester. So, my expected graduation date is December 2012!
Along with starting school, I switched from working full-time to working part-time. It has been an amazingly nice change! haha. I have a good job and all, but I really would like to get into the Speech Path stuff instead as soon as I can. So, really, everything is awesome on my end.
We also have moved into our new apartment! We LOOOOOVE it. haha. Its much better than our other one. We are still in student housing, but we are in the Medical Plaza. Its like right across the street form the Pharmacy School and Hospital, which is nice for Scott. He only has like a 5 minute walk (if that) to school and work. And we are on the 11th floor. Which is a nice change with a beautiful view! We also have 2 bedrooms instead of one. The extra room is definitely welcome!
Anyway- Those are all the updates for now. We are doing well, and we are so happy. And IIIIII am excited for fall! Summer really isn't my favorite season at all. ha. But fall is! Bring on the cooler weather, beautiful leaves, sweaters, and soup! :)
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