Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Little Girl

Well- you've probably already seen on Facebook, but we will be having a little girl. :) And we couldn't be happier or more excited!

She wasn't super cooperative during the ultrasound, so we have no typical profile shot. So, instead you get a picture of her leg and foot and her tiny hand waving hello. :)

The ultrasound was actually a super cool experience. For some reason, I just assumed the ultrasound was pretty much specifically to find gender. But, it turns out (as probably many of you are already aware) that they actually do it to check everything. Even though she wasn't cooperative for the head-shot or the gender-shot, she was in prime position to measure her heart, stomach, diaphragm, spine, brain, and all of those other very important things. And it was really cool to see her little heart beat, her brain, aorta, spine, all her limbs, and nice healthy movement. She is all perfectly healthy and good, so that is excellent. :)

It was really cute, though. The whole ultrasound she was sitting with her legs crossed (thus preventing us from seeing whether she was a boy or girl until the very end of the ultrasound). You can see that in the first picture. I think its way cute...but I guess I am a little biased. She also had her hands covering her head the whole time (which prevented the profile shot). But I'd rather they have a good shot at all the other important stuff than have a profile shot. So-- all in all, we are so grateful and excited for a healthy little girl!

Scott's grandparents got her these little socks. :) I really think they are adorable. haha. Baby stuff- so cute.
We are also excited because we made our first baby purchase. :) Walmart was having a pretty good sale on cribs on Black Friday, and in addition you got a free mattress for the crib. So we jumped on that, and ordered our crib! Yay! 

People have been asking me if I have felt the baby move yet (since I will be 20 weeks this week, I guess lots of people feel movement by now). The answer was no-- until yesterday. I think. Last night I was working on my lesson for Relief Society today, and I am fairly certain that I felt the baby move. It was kind of a cool feeling. I am not 100% sure, since I don't have any experience feeling baby movement. haha. But I am pretty sure that's what it was. I am hoping by Christmas or so we will be able to feel the movement from the outside so that Scott can feel it. That would be neat. :)

Anyway- thats all. I was going to decorate our apartment with Christmas stuff today and take pictures. BUT- I forgot we took our little tree to Heber. And since pretty much all of our decorations consist of our Christmas tree and ornaments and the stockings, I decided to postpone that. I will try to post pictures, though, once it gets done. :) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Baby Bump Pictures.. Finally

Okay. People have been requesting pictures, and so I finally am uploading some. But here are some things I have realized through these pictures. Taking baby bump pictures feels awkward. I stand there so Scott can take a picture of my belly. And so in all of them, I probably have an awkward smile. And I have realized that I really just stand funny. I always feel like I am standing normal when I am posing for the picture, so.. conclusion... I just stand funny all the time. haha.

I do think I am finally starting to show a decent amount, though. So here they are. :) Today's looks particularly slouchy. So, sorry. haha.
5 weeks 
10 weeks

15 weeks
17 weeks- today

We are very excited. Only 5 more days until we find out what baby will be! Which is fairly exciting. :)

In other news, I totally didn't blog about our Halloween.

I say that like we did something super cool and exciting... we didn't. haha. Scott usually ends up working Halloween, and one of us always ends up having an exam at an untimely time preventing us from going to do anything super cool.

But- we have started a tradition of making cut-out sugar cookies each Halloween, or near it if he works. Its pretty fun. I love to cook/bake, and he enjoys decorating them-- and he enjoys eating them even more... :)

 Any of them that you see any intricacies on-- he probably did. Like Slimer from Ghostbusters, or creepy moons. I usually just put sprinkles on mine because I think its cute. :) 

Anyway. That's about it. Besides the fact that we only have like... 4 weeks left until we are done with finals. I don't know if I've ever been so excited!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oh Baby....

Okay. I am FINALLY getting around to blogging and updating you all on... everything.

If you don't know yet, I am pregnant! :) I am about 15 1/2 weeks along, and I am due on April 17th! We don't know the gender yet, but will probably find out at either our next appointment (Nov. 2), or the one right after Thanksgiving. Its pretty crazy to think that I am only 4 1/2 weeks away to being halfway through the pregnancy!

Here is a picture of our first ultrasound at 9 or 10 weeks. We have had one more since then, but the baby was moving around so much that the picture doesn't really show anything. So we'll use this one. :)

To answer questions I have been asked:

How am I feeling?

Now, I am feeling great! The first trimester was a little crappy, but really not too bad. I got a little nauseous at night, and eating sugar and sweets (though they tasted good) made me feel quite ill. haha. But I never got sick enough to be physically ill, or anything like that. So I count myself as lucky.

The last couple of weeks I have felt much better. Probably due to the fact that I am now a couple of weeks into the second trimester. I don't usually get sick at all during the day or at night. And I can eat sugar again, though not in large amounts. haha. Which is probably a good thing. :) 

One weird thing that was really bad in the first trimester, and that still offends my nose, is the smell of peanut butter. haha. And the taste, but I wouldn't even try to taste it because I think it smells so bad right now. And I used to LOVE peanut butter. Not anymore!

So... whats our plan?

Most of you who have talked to me about my schooling plans know that I was planning on doing Graduate School starting Fall 2013. Well... this is still definitely the plan. :) The baby isn't changing any of our schooling plans.

No, we are not under any sort of false sense of security that this will all be a breeze. We are fully aware that it will be hard. We will both be in graduate school, and will have to find a babysitter during the day while we are both in classes, and we will have to get creative with funding. And doing homework will be harder. BUT- it doesn't change anything. I am very committed to finishing my education, and have absolutely no intention of dropping out. :) And neither, of course, does Scott. So, like many couples before us in this situation, we will work it out. And it will be wonderful. :)

Do I have a baby bump yet?

Not really. haha. Which is why I haven't posted any pictures. I am not a very exciting pregnant woman, I guess. BUT... Scott and I think that this week we are finally starting to see something of a bump, even in the weekly Sunday picture we took this morning. So if I am feeling ambitious, maybe I will post that one. But its really nothing very exciting, so I may wait til it looks a little more obvious. :)

Okay- non-baby updates!

School is going well for both of us. Scott is almost half way through his second year of Pharmacy School. That's pretty exciting! And life is seriously going by soooo fast! I don't have any idea where October went, but we're pretty much into November. But its a good thing, as far as I am concerned.

My classes are going well, too. I am in my second to last semester. I graduate with my Bachelors in May 2013. Woohoo! I am in the process of filling out Grad School applications and everything to get ready for next Fall.

We are both excited for the holidays! This is seriously my very favorite time of the year. And I am sooooooo excited for winter. All you winter-haters are crazy. Next to Fall, it is the best season.

That's really it, though. Our lives really don't change very much when we're in school. Class, work, study, sleep, repeat. If we're lucky we'll even get to see each other once in a while. :)

I do, however, promise to post an update once we find out the gender of the baby.   :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year's Resolutions... and Updates

So.. Regardless of the title of this blog, it will be more about updates and less about New Year's Resolutions. :) But it does have a little of both, so its not completely deceptive.

Well, we survived 2011. And it was a pretty good year! December 26 marked 3 years of being married for us. Which is awesome! (And crazy, because I can't believe its already been 3 years!) Life has been good to us and we are very happy.

We had a couple of firsts this season, though. One of our firsts was our first Christmas tree!

Yay! It was about 3 1/2 feet tall. And it had these really cheesy, colorful lights. haha. But its the first time we have bothered to put one up, because in our new apartment we finally actually have room! I was very excited.

Another first was we went to our first Jazz game! For our anniversary, I gave Scott tickets to the game against the 76-ers. (How do you even write their name out???) We had pretty good seats. It was really fun!

This is right after the game and they shot off all the confetti because we won. Pretty cool. :)

Our third first is that we have decided that we are going to Hawaii! Woohoo! haha. We already bought our plane tickets and reserved our hotel room, so its pretty official. We will be going to Maui from May 15-May 20. And we are beyond excited. Its kind of our last chance to take a trip with just the two of us, seeing as this is Scott's last free summer for the next, oh, five or six years. So if any of you guys have ever been to Maui and have any suggestions on places to go, things to do, etc. we would love to hear it! Most of the stuff we want to do is hiking and stuff in the Haleakala Nation Park, and snorkeling, and lounging on the beach. So it should be a good time.

This is where we will be staying. :) I get so impatient just thinking about it! 114 days...

So besides that stuff, other updates are pretty unexciting. School is... going. As usual. And so is work. We are both pretty busy this semester. Scott is in his 2nd semester of Pharmacy school, and working part-time as an intern at the U of U Hospital. So that, plus studying, keeps him pretty busy. I am taking 12 credits, working part-time, and in the middle of doing a practicum for Wilson (a company that does tutoring for dyslexia), which has me going to Heber once a week at least. So I am also busy! But its a good busy for both of us. Nothing too unmanageable. :) So... as usual, life is pretty gooood.

Now, for the New Year's resolution.... I have decided I am running a half-marathon! I looked at different ones to run, and I decided I am going to run the Provo half-marathon on May 5th. That way, I am done training before we go to Hawaii, because I didn't want to try and figure out training runs while we were there. It should be a good time! I am a little nervous, but most training plans I have looked at say that you need to be running in between 10-15 miles a week to start training, and I am already running 15-20 miles a week regularly. So, hopefully when I start a training program mid-February, it won't be too bad. So... you know, if anyone else wants to run it with me... you totally should. :)

Okay, so thats about it. Exciting stuff! :) Happy 2012!