Monday, September 5, 2011

And it continues... :)

So, here we are. Two weeks into Fall Semester. Can you believe it? Sometimes I can't believe how fast the summer goes by. But, I am very glad its here. Summer was getting a little old for me. Ha. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I can only do so much sitting around without some sort of responsibility until I get fidgety and anxious. I have this sick need to be busy. So I'm glad to be back into school and work!

This semester is definitely different than any other semester either Scott or I have done before! For Scott, he has started Pharmacy School. It has been insanely busy for him. Kind of stressful. Lots of studying, lots of homework, lots of classes. But, I guess that's expected for Pharmacy School. :) I have been helping him study lists and lists of drugs that he has to memorize with all their dosages and interactions and side effects. Its been interesting. ha. Some of those drugs have names I don't even know how to begin to pronounce! Its good, though. He is doing well. :)

Last Friday was his birthday, and his White Coat Ceremony.

In Pharmacy School and Medical School, they give you your white coat when you start, rather than when you graduate. Its kind of a cool "welcome into the profession" thing. And they have a big ceremony for all the family to come to. Like proud wives for instance...

It was exciting! :) And the start of a 4-year adventure!

School for me is exciting, too. I am down to the wire. I only have 1 year til I graduate, and I only have my interesting classes that pertain to my major left, so I really enjoy going to class. It doesn't feel pointless. :) I really only have 2 semesters worth of classes left, but one of them is only offered in the fall and I couldn't take it this semester. So, my expected graduation date is December 2012!

Along with starting school, I switched from working full-time to working part-time. It has been an amazingly nice change! haha. I have a good job and all, but I really would like to get into the Speech Path stuff instead as soon as I can. So, really, everything is awesome on my end.

We also have moved into our new apartment! We LOOOOOVE it. haha. Its much better than our other one. We are still in student housing, but we are in the Medical Plaza. Its like right across the street form the Pharmacy School and Hospital, which is nice for Scott. He only has like a 5 minute walk (if that) to school and work. And we are on the 11th floor. Which is a nice change with a beautiful view! We also have 2 bedrooms instead of one. The extra room is definitely welcome!

Anyway- Those are all the updates for now. We are doing well, and we are so happy. And IIIIII am excited for fall! Summer really isn't my favorite season at all. ha. But fall is! Bring on the cooler weather, beautiful leaves, sweaters, and soup! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So, it is FINALLY summertime! :) Wahoo. I love, love, love the fact that it stays light outside until 9:00 or 10:00, and I love the sunshine (when it decides to make an appearance...). And I love having time off work. ha. Who doesn't?

It has been a fun couple of months. For the first time in the 2 1/2 years that we have been married, neither of us are taking summer classes. And its sooooo weird. ha. We kind of don't know what to do with ourselves now that we don't have homework that has to be done all the time. We have been staying somewhat busy, though.

Scott accepted a position to work as in intern at the University Hospital (which is awesome) and is working full-time this summer. I sound like a dorky wife, but I really can't even express how proud I am of him all the time. Seriously. I'll just brag about him for a minute. :) There were only 5 positions open this year for all of the new pharmacy students to the U and the other pharmacy school in the valley, and there were 3 open at Primary Children. He applied to both, interviewed at both, and got an offer from both. He decided to take the one at the U, because he thought it would offer a more diverse experience. And so far, he is liking it a lot. :) He can't wait to get into his 2nd year of pharmacy school so that his responsibilities as an intern have more to do with the actual patients instead of just filling the prescriptions. The internship will last through all 4 years of pharmacy school, and will be very beneficial to not only his education but to his job outlook since he wants to work in a hospital.

I have just finished work for the summer, and am also keeping somewhat busy. I am running the Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay, and the training that I have been doing for that has been keeping me something to do. I am kind of trying to get a job for the summer, but its kind of hard since I would only need a job for 2 1/2 months, and I would have to miss a few weekends. I am going out to Nebraska next week to do some training, but other than that, I don't have anything lined up as far as work goes. Hopefully I can find something flexible enough?

Meanwhile, I have been keeping busy by actually cleaning our apartment (ha. It needed it), and cooking new things, which I love doing. And running, and just getting small things done that we've been meaning to do for a while.

Also, we finally got a 2-bedroom in the Medical Towers, which is awesome. We have been given July 14-16 to transfer apartments. We are very excited. This will be right across from the hospital and pharmacy school, so it will be WAY more convenient for Scott, and it will be closer to all of my classes, too. And I really do like change. And a change of apartment will be nice. And hopefully we can just stay there for the next 4 or 5 years while we get through school. :) So if anyone feels like helping moving us... just let me know. :P ha.

I will try to write sooner next time. Maybe in a month, instead of two months, you'll see another blog. And maybe it will have pictures? Only if I stop being a slacker.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Decisions have been made! :) Which is very exciting. ha. I really should post more often, but.... here we are.

We'll start with Scott's news. He interviewed and got accepted to all four schools he applied to: Baltimore, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and here at the U. Which is pretty exciting in and of itself. All of them are good schools. Baltimore is actually #8 in the nation, so that pretty exciting. (Can you tell I'm a proud wife? ha. ) As we considered each program, and what it would be like to live in each place, we were 90% sure we were headed to Baltimore. I was getting a job lined up, we were looking at housing, and everything. But, things changed, and we decided staying here is what we should do. :) So, Scott has declined Baltimore, Pitt, and Buffalo, and has accepted his seat here at the U. So, bonus, we won't have to spend lots and lots of money moving across the country! haha. And we really are VERY happy and excited about staying here and starting this whole new chapter of our lives.

And my news... :) One huge plus about staying here is that I have decided to stop working full-time this next year and finish school. I have been working full time and schooling part time, since I have quite a good job, but its time to drop it and finish. And I'm very excited about it! As much as I love my job, its not what I want to do for the rest of my life. ha. So, I have about 59 or so credits left, but they are all major classes since I've finished all of my Gen Eds. So, they will all be interesting and exciting. I will finish my degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences, which is the degree you usually get to go into Communication Disorders graduate program.

Even though we will be staying here, we will probably be looking to change apartments. We'll stay near the University, but want to move into a 2 bedroom. Having a room we could stick a desk and stuff in would sure be useful, as it would actually mean we had a study space. ha. Also, just the extra room would be nice. We are currently looking into the Medical Towers, since it would be suuuppper convenient for Scott to be right across the street from all his classes and the lab that he works in. And it would be closer to my classes, too!

In other news... I have become something of a running junkie. ha. I actually haven't been able to run for the last 3 weeks (apparently I'm supposed to rest my leg if I injure it.. pshaa.. :p), but I'm starting up again next week. I have recently made it my long-term goal to run a Marathon next year. It just one of those things I want to do. I just need to conquer it, you know?.... ha. Maybe not. One of my brothers tells me that I need to see a psychologist. haha. But I really do love it. And its just nice to feel healthy and active all the time, you know? Who would have guessed that I would have ever liked running... not me. But its just a little more convenient that swimming. :)

I think that's pretty much the extent of the new development in our lives... We are pretty excited about it all. Starting Pharmacy School, actually getting to finish school, switching apartments. Exciting stuff. I'd say that I'll write again soon to keep you posted, but we all know that's not going to happen. So I'll probably write again in a few months.

p.s.... isn't this spring weather super fantastic? I think so. :)

p.s.s. sorry for the lack of pictures. I'd post some nice recent pictures of us, but we suck at remembering to take pictures... ever. ha. someday I'll post a something new and exciting.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January Madness

Well, it looks like my new blog writing is not any better than my old blog writing. haha. I'm lucky to get a post in every couple of months. :)

First of all, December was great. We had a great Christmas and celebrated our two-year anniversary. :) For our anniversary we went to a little Bed and Breakfast in Logan, and it was really fun. It had an awesome bathroom, which I am weirdly obsessed with. Picture below.

And it also came with complimentary breakfast in bed, which I also love. Its really pretty crazy that its already been two years! Love it. :) And it was very nice to get away for a day, even if it was only an hour and a half away.

Besides celebrating two years, this has been a pretty exciting time for us! Scott finished putting his applications to pharmacy school at the very beginning of December. He applied to 4 different schools. After applying, you wait to hear back to see if you get an interview, and as a general rule, they accept about 50% of the candidates that they interview. So far, he has 3 of the 4 interviews, and will be flying to various locations in the next few weeks to do them all. Very exciting!

He will be interviewing at Buffalo, Baltimore, and Pittsburg. I will be going with him to Buffalo in a couple of weeks to see what its like there. The last school we are still waiting to hear back from is the U, but they are taking forever. ha. We have high hopes for an interview there as well, though.

Its kind of crazy to be doing all of this! haha. I mean, we've been married two years, and the whole time the plan has been for him to go to pharmacy school (which is great! (: ), but I just can't believe its already here! haha. I love it. Its also kind of crazy to think that we may be moving across the country. I love it here, but being somewhere else would be fun, too. So we'll just have to see what happens!

Anyway, that is the biggest development in our lives. We are still doing very well, just working and going to school, and getting ready for the next phase of our life. And we are pretty much loving it. :)

Hopefully I'll write another post before another 2 months slides by to keep everyone updated.