So let's just start with Fall Semester. It was pretty crazy. Scott was on full-time rotations (40 hours a week), as well as 20 hours a week of his internship at the Hospital. So he was basically working 60 hours a week! This is what he'll continue to do through next semester. His first rotation from January-February is in Heber, which will be fun to figure out. We're in the process of putting new tires on the Jeep to prepare for him driving Parley's every day, which could get ugly.
Last semester, Scott's favorite rotation was in the Emergency Department in the hospital, and he thinks that is what he is going to specialize in. This will require a 2 year residency, so he is applying for those. In fact, his applications are in. We should find out in the next few weeks whether or not he gets interviews at the institutions he applied to. :) He applied to 11 in all, some of which are in Minnesota, Pittsburgh, California, Arizona, Washington, Nebraska, and Utah. If he gets interviews, he will fly out to wherever he gets an interview. Its fairly likely we will not be in Utah. So we are pretty excited to find out where we go. "Match Day," the day that all the potential residents find out which program they "match" with, is in March. So we are anxiously awaiting all that is to come in the next few months!
Fall semester for me was pretty good, too! I had my (pretty much) last semester of classes and clinical assignments in the student speech-language-hearing clinic. I concluded finals week by taking the Praxis, my national certification exam. I passed! So now all I need to do is complete my externships, graduate, and work for a year. Then I'll be a licensed SLP with an adult job. Hopefully. :) I actually began my first externship yesterday, and I am loving it. Its pretty weird, and I feel like I don't know a whole lot as my supervisor asks me to diagnose and treat patients. haha. But I'm learning a lot from my supervisor, and I am loving it. I work 4 ten-hour shifts (Sunday-Wednesday) until March 6 in Acute Care at the hospital. Its very fast-paced, and its great. From March to May, I will be working in a couple of high schools. That will also be a very new experience for me, so I'm excited for that, as well.
Graduation is in May. So we are basically just counting down to graduation. :) So exciting.
Alright, updates on Lilli. She's awesome. We love her. She's 20 months old now, and she's sooo big. Its really weird how much she becomes more like a person and less like a baby each day. She's talking up a storm. Her favorite things to say right now are "I got it," "Here it is," and "Hey baby." haha. Its really fun to hear her start to use longer and longer sentences like that. She also puts a lot of 2 and 3 word phrases together. I really love it. She also has some pretty wicked animal sounds. ha. She's hilarious.
She had a great christmas, too! She was very spoiled by all 3 sets of her grandparents. We had to make room for all her new toys. She loves them, though. She pretty much never wants to turn on the TV right now because she's too busy playing. Which is big, because Elmo is pretty close to the top of her "favorites" list. Followed closely by watching football and basketball with dada. She actually spontaneously asks to watch football and basketball when the TV is off. haha. So funny. We've got a good mix of girly and active. :)
In other news... Scott and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary a few days ago. Which is crazy. 6 years is quite along time. We have been married for 25% of my life. :) In that time, we've been in school together non-stop (which will be different next year), we've lived in 3 different apartments, seen each other through the best and worst times, had a baby together, stayed up in the wee hours of the morning trying to calm an upset Lilli, celebrated each others accomplishments (academic and otherwise), and enjoyed every minute by each others' sides. Its been perfect. I couldn't ask for a better companion to share all my highs and lows with. :)
Alright, thats all. I'll keep everyone updated as we find out where Scott is interviewing and when we find out where we are spending the next 2 years of our lives. :)
Happy New Year to everyone! Here are some pictures to bring everyone up to date.