Well, all of the events that I blogged about last week turned out to be pretty fun. :) I would post a nice picture, but I am really horrible at actually taking pictures, and don't have one that matches. So, oh well.
All in all, Black Friday Shopping was kind of fun. :) I don't know that I would wake up at 2:30 ever again to go, but waking up at like 6:00 or 7:00 is definitely an option and would be fun. We didn't get the main thing we were going to get. Which is a bummer, because it was a gift (that had a HUGE discount) for somebody else that we were really excited about. But, we still found a way to make it happen. So that is good.
We ended up going to Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and Gamestop. haha. We left at about 2:30 am, and got back around 8:30 am. We waited from 2:50-4:00 to get into Target, then made our way over to Walmart which was across the street. Surprisingly, Walmart really wasn't too bad. Target was a nightmare. And by the time we got there, Best Buy wasn't too bad, either. We decided to get a Wii for ourselves for Christmas since we found a great deal on one. And we're pretty excited. :) Now we just need to figure out what small things we are getting for each other. Which we are both actually struggling with. haha. We both already have everything we want (that is plausible). We are super excited, though. :)
Thanksgiving was great, too. We spent it with my family this year. We take turns every other year going to each family. It was a great meal. Really, though, my favorite part is just being able to spend the time with family! I am soooo lucky and blessed to have such a great family. Both of them! :) Scott's family is great too, and I love spending time with them. Most of all, though, I am thankful for my wonderful and loving husband. He's pretty amazing. Always there to love and support me, and comfort me when I feel so stressed or overwhelmed that I feel ready to explode. Life is so great with him, and I don't even know where I would be without him. Cheesy and cliche, but so true.
I am also thankful for our jobs and the opportunity we have to be here, getting an education. We have a great apartment (despite the fact that is is made purely of cinderblock). And we are truly and genuinely happy. Which is all that really matters in the end, right? I think so.
Also, a bit of exciting news... Scott has turned in his application for Pharmacy School. So we should be finding out in the next couple of months if he gets in (and if he does, where we will be going). We applied here, Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, Pittsburg and Maryland. So now we just have to wait... and wait. But it will probably go by very fast, seeing as life never seems to slow down.
Anyway, I should probably get going. Our apartment could use a good cleaning after such a busy week. :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Well, I looked out the window this morning to see a ton of snow! And let me just tell you, I think this is very exciting news. Ha. :) I was getting a little depressed. It is the end of November, and we still had not had a real storm. It just doesn't feel like its time for the Holidays if there isn't any snow. So- even though I have to drive the freeway to work every day in the snow and its kind of a pain when you have to clear nearly a foot of snow off your car in the morning (like this morning), I am very happy about it all.
This time of year is exciting in general, but its EXTRA exciting for us because our anniversary is coming up pretty quick! On December 26, we will have been married for 2 years. How crazy is that? Two years definitely went by fast. And as crazy as everybody thought we were for getting married the day after Christmas, I absolutely love it. We both always have work off and have lots of free time to spend with each other. So its works out perfectly.
I have this whole week off of work. Which is pretty crazy. haha. And kind of nice. Although, I will spend a lot of the time doing homework and final projects for my Spanish class. Thursday, though, the fun begins. ha. We will be going up for Thanksgiving dinner at my parents' house, and then that night/early Friday morning, we are going to brave the crowds to do some Black Friday shopping. This may be a little crazy. Ha. But hey, you've gotta try it sometime, right?
I don't know much about Black Friday shopping. So I don't know if we need to go over at like midnight and get in line, or if we will be okay going at like 3 am. Ha. We'll see. Either way, we are going to be zombies the whole rest of the day Friday as we celebrate Scott's cousin's wedding and festivities all day. Sure will be glad when we finally get to crash Friday night. :) It will all be fun though, I think. I'm excited.
Then, on Saturday, we get to go dip homemade chocolates with Scott's family. I love doing this. I really have been getting more into cooking and baking. Mostly baking. Probably because I think desserts are way more enjoyable to eat. haha. So dipping chocolates is definitely a highlight of the holiday season for me.
And after that, the Christmas season can commence! haha. Which I am also excited for. Shopping for gifts for other people is always kind of fun.
So, this was probably kind of a pointless blog. Mostly I just wanted to tell everyone how excited I am for this time of year. :) Hopefully I'll get another blog in (a less pointless one) before Christmas!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The First Post...
Well, I decided I would jump on the blog boat again, and create a blog for our little two-person family. :) But I have to begin with this disclaimer: Our life is not extremely exciting at the moment. haha. So, we'll see how many people will actually want to read this.
The picture above is the most recent picture of us. :) Last weekend we took two of Scott's friends from Japan around Salt Lake while they were here visiting for two weeks. It was pretty fun. They wanted to see the Great Salt Lake, so thats where that picture was taken. :)
So I guess I'll have this first blog be about what going on in our lives right at this very moment.
Right now both Scott and I are students up at the U, and its been pretty good. Scott is a full-time student and when he's not in class, he's usually working up at his research lab. So that keeps him pretty busy these days. Its definitely been great, though. His job has been a real blessing, since its brought about a lot of great things that he can put on his Pharmacy school application. We are very lucky.
He will be applying to the U of U pharmacy school in December, and we will find out in the Spring of 2011 whether or not he gets in. If he does, he would start in the Fall of 2011. Which would be super awesome! That's what we are shooting for at this point. :)
I am currently mostly just working. I work about 40-45 hours a week, so I only have time to take one class this semester. And that class is Spanish 1010. haha. I really like it. Language classes keep you pretty busy, though! whew. I really wanted to keep taking Japanese, since I took Japanese all through high school, but decided that not only was Spanish way more useful here, but the times Spanish was offered was much more flexible for my work schedule. So there I am. Other than that, I am about half way through with my major. haha. But it will take a while, as I am working full time. For those who don't know, I switched my major to Linguistics with a TESOL esndorsement (Teaching English as a Second Language). And I am loving it. :) Love, love, love learning about language.
So everything that I just wrote about is what takes up the majority of our time. Plus, homework for both of us means we basically only have free time on the weekends. Sometimes. :) We are happy though. Being busy is better than sitting at home being bored.
And we are doing very well. :) We are nearing our 2 year anniversary! Crazy! I can't believe we've almost been married 2 years. Time has seriously flown by. And, we only have one baby. And it is in the form of a car. haha. No real babies for a while, I think. We're pretty content for now. :) But we do love our new car.
Well, I don't know how interesting that was for a first blog. But... there it is. :) I'll try to write at least somewhat regularly to keep people posted on what going on in our lives. :)
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